Userdata of Puschelfarm |
In total there are 25 registered users
and among them are 13
and 2 .
156 Puschels are owned by these users
and among them are 72
and 67 .
17 Puschels are younger than 60 Days and therefore not yet able to breed.
Top 10 Gamers with most Land |
...more |
Top 10 Gamers with most Coins |
| luzluz | 8.209.394,88 | 2
| Chiara | 7.380.180,47 | 3
| coracoon | 5.539.622,23 | 4
| linnichan | 4.945.260,50 | 5
| Finja | 3.872.013,53 | 6
| Jessi77 | 1.956.198,00 | 7
| odinsomiij | 1.510.649,81 | 8
| melanie | 1.337.910,40 | 9
| bobblbibi | 1.233.488,10 | 10
| dreamer2 | 1.191.942,91 | ...more |